
Tag Archives: Auto Detailing Calgary

6 Best Tips

Often, older vehicles keep looking anew and the newer ones look like the defeated army of a battle. Have you ever wondered, why? Since maintenance is one of the most important factors to keep your car look ravishing for years, your good driving habits too have something to do with your car’s appearance.

6 Best Tips

Here comes some of the driving suggestions to keep your car look younger and appealing even after a decade or so. These tips from the Car detailing Calgary will help your car stay in good shape and you can also save on car maintenance services.

1. Elude The potholes

Sounds like no-brainer, right? But this is certainly important. People have a common tendency to drive through the potholes, even when enough space is left to drive around on the road. These potholes will not just damage the tires but also leave some adverse effects upon the steering components. So, naturally your car will be entirely benefited if you avoid the potholes.

2. Keep your eye down the road:

This is another obvious factor indeed. But this is actually essential to look down the road to see your destination and the condition of the road itself. Avoid the weird looking objects on the road as they can affect the tires of your car or simply bounce against. This will help you spot the dips on the road, or you can simply slow down your pace to get rid of the harsh effect.

3. Stop following the trucks up close

It’s true that you have no control over getting trapped behind a truck. However, being the driver of your most favorite vehicle, consider how close you are to a truck. It’s good for your car’s health to maintain a larger distance. This will work as a guard against the flying debris, rocks etc. and the chances of damages will be reduced. The black fumes coming out of old trucks will not only harm your car’s appearance, the ventilation system will get extra loads. In short, you the Saviour of your own car!

4. Drive slow on train tracks

If you are driving towards a crossing or the railroad tracks, it’s better to slow down your speed. The uneven pavements will leave impact upon your car wheels, and the car will get damaged over time.

5. Full stop before you reverse

While in a hurry, you are prone to reverse and the car still remains moving. Did you ever know that it is one of the best ways to inspire a quick transmission failure? Wait, take a deep breathe and just before you shift, reach a full stop. It is applicable to every shifting action and try to steer only when your car is in movement. This will prevent your car from steering rack failure.

6. Go easy:

Yes, your car engine is designed for running your car swiftly. But the temperature is the key factor to consider. Don’t idle the car; Just go easy for few kilometers when your car engine is getting adjusted to the normal operating temperature. This will not only save your fuel but also keeps your engine younger!

Get in touch with the Auto detailing Calgary experts today to enjoy an affordable and highly professional car service!

Calgary Car Detailing

At a certain point of time, you may feel that you should buy a new car as you are losing interest on your existing one. Buying a new vehicle means you will have to invest a good amount of money, but if you want then you can get help from your existing car in the process.

Generally, people in Calgary, prefer to sell their old car before buying a new one. Before doing that, they always try to ensure that their existing car is in good condition so that it can fetch a good price. Therefore, applying proper car detailing methods is useful. In this article, we will describe how the process of car detailing can help you in selling your used car.

Calgary Car Detailing

Contact Efficient Car Detailing Service Provider

The process of car detailing needs the hand of experts. You can think about doing it on your own, but if you are looking for a complete car detailing that can provide your car a new look then you should get in touch a reputed car detailing agency in Calgary.

Reputed agencies always prefer experienced professionals who are accustomed to the process of making cars as much new as possible. The touch of professional hands will definitely help you in making your car looked beautiful, which is important to get a good price while selling.

Take Care of Your Engine

Before you think about selling your used car, you should know that your potential buyers will come with a mechanic or an automobile engineer to make sure that your car is in the good condition. The engine is definitely the heart of any vehicle and that is why your potential buyers will check the condition of your car’s engine first.

Before inviting buyers, you should take your car to a professional detailer that provides full service car wash, so that you can make sure that every part of your car looks good.

Clean Windows and Dress Tires

Windows definitely play a big role in making a car look beautiful and that is why you will have to pay much attention to the window glasses. Before you start cleaning the windows of your vehicle, make sure that you are cleaning them from both sides so that no dirt or sticky moisture is left on them. Windows and the windshield are important parts of your car and you should make them clean and shiny so that they can attract your potential buyers on the first appearance.

Likewise, you should also make the tires of your vehicle cleaned and looked fine. In order to do so, you can apply tire dressing on them. It will make them look glossy and attractive.

You can save a lot of money by conducting the car detailing process on your own, but if you want 100% satisfactory service, you should contact with an efficient car detailing agency that will help in making your vehicle as much new as possible by applying appropriate detailing methods.

Perfect Car Headlights

If your car highlights are discolored or scratched and you are really missing the brightness they once had, you should consider them as serious issues. These signs indicate that you need to handle the case right away so that they do not hinder your chance to enjoy some exciting night rides. And, the best way to eliminate the headlight hassles is its restoration.

Perfect Car Headlights

Headlight restoration is a method of cleaning, sanding and polishing the lights to eliminate pollution and preserve its condition for ages. A clear protective coating is applied during the process in order to make the light look like a new one. If nicely finished, the restoration brings back the original lighting performance of your car’s headlight, thus enhancing the cosmetic appearance of your car.

Problems of Having Improper Headlights

These days, headlights are made of polycarbonate that is more vulnerable to environmental elements than glass. There is a range of factors that contribute to the discoloration and corrosion of the protective coating placed on the lens. The major hazards are acid rain, sunlight, humidity, cleaning chemicals, small insects and road debris. Discoloration and oxidation can lower the headlight’s potential to project light, which considerably diminishes nighttime effectiveness. In severe cases, they can even damage the original protective coating and spoil the lens surface.


  • Increasing safety – Driving at night without properly functioning auto headlights is a reason for disaster as you may hit people or other vehicles without realizing it. That is why you should have your car headlights restored so as to increase safety.
  • Enhancing Resale Value – If you are planning to sell your car, it is crucial to get the headlamps repaired as it increases its resale value. No single customer will buy a car that doesn’t have appropriately functioning headlights at a rational price.
  • Increasing Visibility and Light Projection – Light projection and visibility are very crucial while driving, especially during the night. That is why you need to contact a car & auto detailing company in Calgary NE for quality headlight restoration services to have the headlamps repaired properly.
  • Adding Beauty and Improving Appearance – Simply having beautiful headlights can make your vehicle stand out of the crowd.

It is therefore wise to restore the old headlights not only for the purposes of enhancing appearance, but also for adding beauty.

Car detailing Calgary

Spring has finally come after a long, cold winter all across most of the country. This is a perfect time to get your vehicle back into shape after a harsh season facing frigid temperatures, ice, snow and potholes.

Car detailing Calgary

Add a Checkup to Your Spring Cleanup

Spring is the time to thank your valuable vehicle for its great winter performance with a maintenance repair. There are many things you can do yourself to help your car running smooth.

Here are some spring car tire tips to get your car ready for the forthcoming road travel season.

1. Remove Winter Tires: It is always a good idea to have your tires replaced or rotated even if your car doesn’t have winter tires.

2. Check Brakes: Pay attention to signs of brake wear like screeching or squealing.

3. Inspect Belts and Hoses: A slipping belt will affect the electrical system including the cooling system, air conditioning and power steering. Check and replace cracked or worn belts and hoses that are brittle, blistered or very soft. Belts and hoses older than five years may also need to be replaced, even if they look intact.

4. Clean the Exterior: Take extra care to address the undercarriage where road salt may oxidize or corrode the metal. A comprehensive cleaning at a car wash bay should do the trick. Wash your vehicle and apply wax after it’s dried to protect your car’s shine. Also, ensure the underbody of your car is clean. Throw away salt build up which may lead to erosion and rust.

5. Clean the Interior: Vacuum the interior of your car and store away your winter mats. Change oil according to manufacturers’ recommendations. Take the time to lose the extra weight that can considerably increase your gas mileage.

6. Top up All Fluids: Check fluid levels of anti-freeze, oil, windshield washer, transmission fluids and power steering.

7. Apply Protectant: As the sun can crack or damage any of your car’s vinyl surfaces such as dashboard, steering wheel, seats, etc. Applying a protectant will help you keep this from happening.

8. Get Your Battery Tested: Have it checked to ensure it still holds a charge.

9. Check Wiper Blades: During the rainy season it is vital to make sure your wiper blades are functioning well.

10. Test the Alternator Output: It’s important to confirm that the charging system is working properly.

A spring checkup can help find out winter damage, but there are perhaps some parts that are harder to inspect without requiring a trained technician to identify the problem. You should get your engine checked by a skilled professional at any leading car & auto detailing company in Calgary and determine if any of the components of your car are in need of servicing.

Green Driving Tips

To drive clean basically means keeping the vehicle you drive is well tuned and maintained. Calgary Car Detailing can ensure your car looks great both inside out with professional exterior and interior detailing services. Keeping your car in proper working order is the way to give off lesser contaminants into the air.

Green Driving Tips

Here are some tips to guide you in doing your part to drive clean

1. Maintain your vehicle on a regular basis. It helps follow the recommended service intervals of the manufacturer. Thus, you can maximize your car’s fuel economy.
2. Try and keep your tires at their best possible inflation pressure. You should check the sides of the tires for the correct PSI level and keep them inflated there.
3. If your vehicle is well tuned, it can save 40% more fuel and emit much less contaminants for eco-friendly driving.
4. Decrease the amount of times you require to start and stop your car. One approach is to prepare your trips by combining errands.
5. Get your engine light checked if it’s on. Your vehicle may require something minor that will turn into something major if not looked after. If the light goes off, it means something is not somewhat right and it is always better to be on the safe side.
6. Don’t forget that opening vents and rolling up the windows can make your car more aerodynamic while saving fuel consumption.
7. Try to keep the load in your car as low as possible. The weightier the load you are carrying, the more fuel you will be using.
8. Obeying the speed limit is another trick that actually saves a lot of gas. Instead of hasty starts and hard stops, drive at the posted rate in order to save on fuel.
9. Car pooling is an amazing way to reduce the amount of vehicles on the road as well as the total emissions.
10. Don’t be still as idling dissipates fuel and can wear down the engine must earlier, thereby leading to untimely repairs and increased maintenance. Try to keep the engine off whenever you can.

It is a necessity to make our planet a clean and healthy place for everyone to live in and for this we all need to work together. Following these steps, car owners can make a considerable contribution in this regard. Yes, you can also help the environment while you are driving your vehicle through ensuring that your car is not sending so many emissions into the air.

Exclusive auto detailing in Calgary and elsewhere can always help you decrease smog in the air along with various major causes of the emissions from our vehicles.

Winter Driving

Winter driving seems to be a stressful ordeal when it comes to a journey through the snowy and icy roads. While some experienced drivers are comfortable with driving in ice and snow, others react to this with stress and panic. However, driving in the winter can be a manageable experience, provided you are well prepared and know how to keep your car under control.

Winter Driving

Steps to Prepare for Winter Driving

  • It is important to make sure that your car is serviced and all maintenance issues are addressed before the winter season arrives.
  • Check whether your windshield wipers, cooling system and battery are in good working order.
  • Buy snow tyres. There is an actual difference between snow and regular tyres for all seasons. Snow tires can dig through the snow allowing better traction.
  • Try packing some kitty litter in your car. Kitty litter offers traction when you are stuck in the ice or snow, thereby preventing your wheels from slipping.
  • Drive looking straight and always keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you.
  • Have knowledge of the surroundings and plan which direction you should head in the event of a developing situation.
  • Don’t slam onto your brakes as that may only result in you sliding into the car in front of you.
  • If you are in a slide situation, easing up on the gas is the best idea. Gas only makes things worse when you are trying to manage a slide. If you are trying to speed up from a standstill, light gas application functions the best.
  • If possible, plan prior to stopping. Apply the brakes gently and slowly instead of fast sudden braking. Intersections are sometimes icy and require continuous pressure to the brake pedal.

Young drivers in Canada should be prepared for winter driving with proper lessons on how to tackle the elements. Besides following the above steps, availing quality auto detailing services in Calgary ensures you safety during winter driving.

car detailers calgary

The transmission is an essential component in your car, however many of us don’t have a clear idea of what it does apart from ‘shifting’ the vehicle. Actually, the transmission takes the energy produced by the engine to give it to the axles and thus the wheels move. It is also an expensive auto part to replace and this means whether you are well aware of its activities or not, you should know how to look after it properly. Apart from getting the transmission fluid checked on a regular basis and changed as needed, there are quite a lot of common mistakes that you must avoid making.


Let’s have a discussion about the things you should not do in order to extend the life of your vehicle’s transmission.

1. Do not shift idle into drive from fast

When you first start the vehicle up the engine remains cold and to prevent stalling it will idle faster than usual. Before it warms up a bit don’t shift right into drive as it may cause excess tear and wear on the transmission components and reduce the life of the mountings, clutch, bands and other parts. Also, stay away from shifting into reverse when the engine is idling fast for the similar reason.

2. Do not use brakes for downshifting

Downshifting to slow the vehicle down in an urgent situation, like if the brakes fail can save your life. However, on the other hand doing it frequently will significantly reduce the life of the bands and clutch, thereby increase the changes of premature transmission problems. Instead of downshifting remember to apply the brakes to slow down at stop lights.

3. Do not change direction without stopping

Another common mistake that many people make is shifting from reverse to drive or vice versa is before the car comes to a complete stop. It can decrease the transmission’s life and damage it.

4. Do not let it get towed the wrong way

Another mistake that many car owners make is not towing properly in order to avoid damaging the transmission. Car owners should be aware of the fact that the ‘drive wheels’ cannot be on the ground when they need to have the vehicle towed.

Follow these simple rules and keep your car at the top of its looks and performance with quality auto detailing services in Calgary.

Auto Detailing Calgary

Car cleaning equipments have become an essential part of our everyday life. A car being one of the most loved possessions; everyone wants it to look attractive and new all the time. Although, keeping vehicles well-maintained and clean can be fairly difficult, there are professional auto detailing Calgary services available to end all your worries. Leading car wash bay use the right auto detailing equipments that provide exactly the kind of cleaning results you want.

Auto Detailing Calgary

Benefits of using advanced car detailing systems

Unlike an ordinary car washing machine, advanced tools have all the specifications and features required to make your vehicle look as spectacular as new again. For car cleaning professionals, detailing an auto exterior is a huge challenge, as they need to deal with rough grime and deposits caused by dirt, mud and grease deposits on the vehicle’s engines, tires and body. With the advent of industrial development and technology sophistication, present market has sufficient availability of automotive detailing equipments such as first-rate pressure washing systems. These tools are designed with features required for cleaning the external parts and surface of vehicles.

Auto detailing pressure washer method offers a number of beneficial features to car wash business owners. These devices come up with innovative features like moderate pressure levels and low flow rates that help professionals efficiently clean the car’s exteriors. Low flow rates save time by reducing drying times. Alternatively, detailing of engines and tires needs to be performed effectively as they remain covered with mud and grease.

Detailing with cold water pressure washers may not eliminate the accumulated grime and dirt entirely. Auto detailing operators prefer using high quality automotive cleaning tools so as to get superior cleaning results for clients within the quickest possible time. Specialized equipments are designed and fabricated to clean different types of automobile surfaces with its premium cleaning techniques.

Faster cleaning with less drying time

Steam cleaners offer superior car exterior cleaning solutions. These equipments feature high steam temperatures that make loosening, dislodging and dissolving of even the roughest of deposits easier and without the need to manually scrub the surface. These devices are also perfect for interior auto detailing in terms of carpet and upholstery cleaning. Quality steam cleaner systems can reduce the drying time considerably and this great feature allows operators the scope to service more cars faster.

Thus, powerful auto detailing machines highly contribute to enhancing the performance of the vehicles in various significant ways. Hence, clients can happily take home their great looking cars within a few hours.

In auto detailing, both exterior as well as interior of the vehicle is thoroughly cleaned and reconditioned. The step-by-step meticulous process restores the vehicle’s beauty and fully protects the investment. Beyond automobiles, such services may be extended to trucks, SUVs, buses, RVs, motorcycles, etc. Professional detailing companies can handle all or at least some of the kinds of vehicles mentioned here.

Basically in such services, each and every detail of a vehicle is assessed as well as cleaned and it includes all crevices and cracks. Another very important aspect of this service is that it helps protect your car from the various elements. A misconception that is commonly inside the minds of people is that the clear coat of car can protect the exterior finish, which negates the need for regular maintenance. In reality, a minimum of two coats of wax should be applied in a year to painted surfaces so that the finish can be protected from oxidation and contaminates. Though an extra protection package is offered by some dealerships for the car during purchase, this is not the permanent solution.


Some of the benefits of car detailing are given here


Protection from rust- Places where snowfall is very common, rust forms a major problem. To melt the snow and ice, salt is put on the roads by snow plows. However, these make the process of rusting and corrosion 10 times more rapid than usual. Whenever the weather becomes dry and roads are cleared the car should be professionally cleaned so that all the salt can be washed off.

Maintaining resale value- Your vehicle should be washed regularly and waxed properly; this will ensure that the clear coat finish and paint of the car is protected. For example if you do not maintain your car properly, your car is bound to lose its sheen and paint will start fading and cracking which will make it look older than it actually is. This will definitely make you lose quite an amount of money when you look to sell it off.

Saving gas- You may have often seen SUVs and big trucks caked all over with mud and dirt. This simply adds to the weight and more gas is used. Even in case of small cars, there may be up to 10 pounds of dust and dirt underneath as well as on it. You can even try removing extra stuff which is not needed from the car and see your gas mileage increase.

The best thing about car detailing is that it reflects your pride in your car. So whether your car is new or it had been previously owned, even the ordinary car may be made extraordinary by professional auto detailing.

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