4 Types of Smells that Need Car Interior Detailing in Calgary

Cars are so much like humans. Like us, cars also require regular maintenance. When you are at home or workplace, do you like to don a dirty, messy or shabby look? Of course, not! Neither do you want your car to appear in that way. Hence, following proper maintenance routine that includes cleaning the exterior and interior, checking the tires, changing important fluids, protecting the paintwork, and restoring the headlights is crucial. However, certain circumstances arise without any sign or warning. For example: when you suddenly smell unusual odour inside your car, you would probably first check under the seats for any leftover food scraps but find nothing. Sometimes, the car interior emanates unpleasant odours and the reason can be hard to find. In such a case, opting for car interior detailing in Calgary could be the best course of action on your part and we’ll tell you why.

Unpleasant odours inside your car is a warning sign before any potential hazard. If your car smells weird, head straight to a car detailing facility where the professionals can detect the cause and troubleshoot the problem effectively. But how do you know which car odours require an expert detailer’s intervention? Keep reading!

car interior detailing Calgary

Car Smells that Call for an Interior Car Cleaning

  1. The car smells musty: The formation of mould or mildew inside your air-conditioner or on your car upholstery is the reason why your car is smelling musty. Excess moisture leads to the growth of mould and mildew on the surfaces of your car interior. Either your car upholstery has been damp for too long or moisture has accumulated in your vehicle’s drain lines or air filters. Breathing mouldy air could trigger respiratory problems. Hence, it is always advisable to avail professional interior car cleaning Calgary services to get rid of the musty smell as soon as possible.
  1. Rotten egg smell: If you have been thinking that there must be four days old burger rotting underneath your seat, it is not that simple. The rotten egg smell indicates the presence of a defective component in the fuel system. If the fuel filters, catalytic converter and fuel pressure sensors are damaged or overused, sulphur gas leaks out that smells like a rotten egg inside your car. Leaving the issue unaddressed can bring forth serious consequences. If you don’t want your car to suffer unnecessary damages, bring it to a professional detailer’s attention right away.
  1. Car sickness smells: If you have your car sick children or pets travelling in your car, they may be throwing up on your car upholstery quite too often. You may have immediately wiped the surfaces and sprayed a car freshener but don’t forget, car sickness smells are strong odour that refuse to go away easily and require deep cleaning. Visit a trusted facility for car interior detailing in Calgary and see how the professionals magically drive out the awful smell using the best stain cleaning solutions, thoroughly vacuuming the interior, shampooing and steam cleaning the upholstery, carpets, seats, washing the floor mats and deodorizing the interior.
  1. Exhaust smell: Exhaust odour inside the car is particularly dangerous as it often indicates a leak in the vehicle’s exhaust system or poor seals on the doors or windows. Prolonged exposure to exhaust odour is harmful to both you and your family. If the smell of exhaust hits your nose while driving, immediately seek professional help before the problem assumes a more severe shape.

Conclusion: Along with these smells, don’t turn a blind eye to the odours of burnt oil or paper, maple syrup or gasoline either. These are not pleasant aromas that you can let it linger inside your car so that your vehicle’s interior smells nice and fresh. Cars are a mystery and there’s no doubt about that. However, a sudden whiff, like the ones mentioned above, is a powerful sign that your vehicle is in danger; only a professional car interior detailing service can resolve the issue and ensure a healthy car interior. Calgary Car Detailing is a reputable facility for car interior detailing Calgary. Our top-notch car interior cleaning service addresses offensive odours and gives you back a car interior that smells as good as new.

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