Do away with these 6 common myths related to Calgary car detailing

Anyone who owns a car knows the importance of car detailing. It is like taking your car for a medical check-up every month! After all, your car is just like your family member and avoiding going for car detailing in Calgary, is similar to committing an offense.

car detailing in Calgary

While taking your car for car detailing, you may have come across numerous car detailing tips. Do you know? Some of these tips(although it may be good to hear) can be wrong and misleading? It can also be a myth. To ensure a long-lasting life for your beloved car, it is important to bust some of the most common myths related to car detailing.

So let us look at some of the common car detailing myths that you must stop paying unnecessary attention to.

  1. Waxing your car too much is alright- This is not always true. According to most of the car detailers in Calgary, waxing is used primarily to enhance the paint of the car as well as to protect the paint. Car waxes usually contain various forms of abrasives and chemical cleaners and so using it in excess, can induce reverse results. So if you do not want that, use a car wax as much as required only and not in excess.

  1. Too much waxing can cause wax build-up– This is again a myth because in truth, there no such thing called ‘wax build-up’. What you hear wax build-up is actually just the accumulation of wax inside the seams and crevices. There is no such new accumulation of wax but it is just when you are applying the wax, some of it starts gathering in the crevices and seams and it needs to be cleaned.

  1. Waxing is not for new cars- There is no such reasoning that says only old cars need waxing and not new cars. Remember! New cars lack any kind of paint protection at the time of manufacturing. Waxing is actually done to protect the paint and it can be done again when it starts to wear off. So a new car needs car waxing as much as old cars.

  1. You need to buy specialized products for clear coats– In an effort to increase the sale of their products, many car care companies have used this as the catch-line and made money! The truth is that there is no such specialized products in the market that cater to only clear coats separately. Instead, when going for auto detailing in Calgary, emphasize more on the use of right tools, pressure, products and so on.

  1. Carnauba wax is the best– This is absolutely wrong; there no such thing called the best wax. It completely depends on the condition of your car as well as your expectations. Simply saying the ‘best’ is meaningless as it doesn’t mention whether it is best in terms of ‘protection’ or ‘visual performance’.

  1. Car caring once a year is fine- This is a very much wrong idea. Although the modern car paint lasts for three years without no maintenance, going for mobile auto detailing in Calgary at least once a month is important if you want your car to look shining and glamorous everyday as well as want to keep car problems at bay!

Conclusion- The next time you go for Calgary car detailing, make sure you keep these myths in mind and easily enjoy owning a car that looks brand new almost every day. Remember! The key to owning a well-maintained car is not paying heed to the commonly followed myths. The sooner you bust such myths, the happier you will be as a car owner.


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